Prior to patch, the All-American cost 20 AP to use in VATS.Also, the ghouls can kick around the weapon, and explosions can send it flying so if the gun isn't on the table or in a companions inventory, make sure that you search the armory thoroughly. If you have a human companion when you access the armory, they may pick up the All-American. It is located in the Vault 34 armory, on an overturned table to the right side of the armory. Marksman carbine, the "common" variant.

This versatility includes the wide range of 5.56mm ammunition types players should be sure to stock up on different 5.56mm variants to utilize this weapon to its full potential. It is highly accurate, reliable and powerful with its fast rate of fire, making it one of the most versatile weapons in the game. It also bears the distinctive 82nd "All-American" Airborne division badge. The All-American is the unique variant of the semi-automatic Marksman carbine with woodland camouflage, a magazine capacity of 24 and a higher magnification scope of 3.5x magnification (the same as the sniper rifle and the Gobi Campaign scout rifle).