How to Take a Screenshot on Windows PC and Mac Here you can find your screenshots Captures folder in Videos library. You can also press Windows + Alt + PrtScn keys together to take a screenshot. The Game Bar allows you to capture your gameplay with ease.

If you are taking screenshots from your games on Windows 10 with the Game Bar, you should also check the Captures folder to find your screenshots. Where Do Screenshots Go on PC - Captures Folder If you are using a Windows PC, you can also find your screenshots in the Photos app > Albums > Screenshots section. The default Windows screenshots folder location is C:Users / Username / Pictures / Screenshots. So, if you can’t find the location where screenshots go on PC, you can check the Screenshots folder. Sometimes, when you take a screenshot on Windows 10/8/7 PC, your screenshots will be stored in that folder. Windows will automatically save some screenshots in a specific Screenshots folder.

Where Are Screenshots Saved - Screenshots Folder If you don’t paste the screenshot, or you take another screenshot with the PrtScn key, the original screenshot on the clipboard will be erased permanently. One thing you should know is that, the clipboard can only store your screenshot temporarily. In that case, you need to rely on the paste command to retrieve the screenshot from clipboard to a Windows image app like Paint or PhotoShop. You may wonder, where are print screens saved? In fact, when you press the PrtScn key on your keyboard, the full computer screen will be saved as a screenshot in clipboard. In fact, if you don’t do something after taking screenshots, you can’t find them on your PC. But you won’t directly get a screenshot image after pressing the key. Windows PC provides you with a Print Screen key to quickly capture the current computer screen. Where Do Screenshots Go on PC - Clipboard